Challenges faced by early stage healthcare companies

Understandably, the founders of healthcare companies are initially focused on developing their new product or service, and demonstrating the benefits that the new technology brings. Quickly the focus broadens to include raising external capital, and then to regulatory requirements. Awareness of competitors, and an outline of a path to market are required by investors, but are often, at an early stage, under-developed or generated sequentially as the need is recognized.


Based on four decades of diverse experience, in medical practice, in large healthcare companies, in startups, both biopharma and medical device, and in venture capital, QPS believes strongly that early development of an integrated plan, from invention to exit, maximizes the chances of success in raising capital and ultimately in successful market entry and value creation.

For early stage healthcare companies...and for investors evaluating healthcare opportunities...

QPS offers an integrated, scalable, affordable, business plan review and development process, providing ongoing decision support tools.